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How to Communicate During Difficult Times

Communication has never been more important than now, as we find ourselves still in the midst of a pandemic and navigating our staff and students being back in the school building. 

Let’s talk about getting started.

It’s the hardest part of anything you do.

Sometimes we put off tasks for days, weeks, or months that only take minutes. We even do this when we know the consequences could be disastrous if these tasks go unfinished. Why do we do this?

Because we are creatures of habit. We cling to what we know. Fear of the uncertain, of the unknown, is the most basic and primitive fear that we experience – and it keeps us from getting started.

And what happens if you never get started? 

Well, if you don’t start a car, how far does it take you? How quickly do you get where you want to go?... 

If you don’t get started, you go nowhere. You do nothing

But you don’t want to do nothing… you want to do something.

And not just something – you want to do a thing – a specific thing – you have a dream, or a goal, that you want to achieve. You want to be an instructional coach, a principal, or maybe create your own school?  You have a unique gift and vision that you want to bring about…

…and that means that you have to get started.

So, then, how do you get started

I was able to move from a teacher, to a project leader, to a director, state consultant and independent business entrepreneur all by taking the very next step I knew would get me closer to my goal – no matter how small.

That’s how I got started. One step at a time. 

And if you need help getting started – setting up your success – building your leadership and communication skills with confidence… here’s the next step you can take.

My Master Communication Class is a 90 day, online and on-demand training program for anyone on a leadership, school improvement journey – anyone who has a next step to take, even if it’s only their first step.

  • It is completely self-driven (listen when you desire).
  • You have lifetime access (listen as many times as you want).
  • There are study guides to deepen understanding and sharpen skills.
  •  It is practical, focused on self-improvement and professional advancement. 

So you can climb your ladder. Advance as a professional. Enhance your life!

Completely risk free! 

If we add value to you and your business, you will get charged and you can stay in the program for only $24.99 forever!

If we haven’t added value to you, I will not only pay you back the $12.99...I will pay pay the full $24.99. 

No harm, no foul.

You can take your next step by clicking here. (Use coupon code LBL50)

You don’t have to be ready… you don’t have to know everything now. You just have to get started.


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